Heap sort implementation in Java

Heap sort is preferred when a stable sort is required. It gives the time complexity of O(nlogn) irrespective of best or worst cases. Heap sort is based on binary heap. Read about binary heap before you proceed.

package com.computepatterns.algorithms.sort;

import java.util.Arrays;

 * Heap sort implementation.
 * As heap is complete binary tree, it can be expressed as array.
 * Time complexity worst case - O(nlogn).
public class HeapSort
    public static void main(String args[])
        int inputArray[] = {15, 1, 14, 50, 6, 70, 8};
        new HeapSort().sort(inputArray);
        System.out.println("Sorted array - ");

    public void sort(int inputArray[])
        /* Build max heap. */
        // Doing it for half the array is sufficient as the rest of array are going the children nodes.
        for (int i =  inputArray.length/ 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--){
            heapify(inputArray, inputArray.length, i);

        /* Extract the biggest element (top of heap) one by one and move to the end */
        for (int i = inputArray.length - 1; i>=0; i--)
            // Move current root to end
            int temp = inputArray[0];
            inputArray[0] = inputArray[i];
            inputArray[i] = temp;

            // Call max heapify on the reduced heap.
            heapify(inputArray, i, 0);

     * Heapify builds the heap ensuring heap conditions are taken care.
     * @param arr Input array to sort
     * @param arrayLength Length of the array to be considered.
     * @param rootElementIndex
    void heapify(int arr[], int arrayLength, int rootElementIndex)
        /* Find out the left and right children */
        int leftIndex = 2*rootElementIndex + 1;  // left = 2*i + 1
        int rightIndex = 2*rootElementIndex + 2;  // right = 2*i + 2

        /* Find out the largest of left, root, right */
        // Assume the root element is largest
        int largest = rootElementIndex;
        // If left child is larger than root
        if (leftIndex < arrayLength && arr[leftIndex] > arr[largest])
            largest = leftIndex;
        // If right child is larger than largest so far
        if (rightIndex < arrayLength && arr[rightIndex] > arr[largest])
            largest = rightIndex;

        /* Get the heap right if root is not the largest */
        if (largest != rootElementIndex)
            // Swap the largets with the root.
            int swap = arr[rootElementIndex];
            arr[rootElementIndex] = arr[largest];
            arr[largest] = swap;

            // Recursively heapify the affected sub-tree
            heapify(arr, arrayLength, largest);



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